If you have a high school student, you know that college admissions are becoming ever more competitive. Colleges look at a number of factors when considering students, but high school grades and SAT or ACT score remain the most important of those factors.
Quality SAT Exam Prep and ACT Prep Tutoring require students' time and energy, but so often students are prepping when they should be focusing that time and energy on their high school classes. As important as SAT and ACT scores are for college admissions, high school grades are still more important. This is why more and more parents and students are opting for SAT Exam Prep and ACT Prep Tutoring over the summer.
Our students typically spend 15 to 30 hours meeting one-on-one with a tutor, 20 to 40 hours doing homework focused on specific SAT and ACT problem types, and 9 to 18 hours taking complete SAT or ACT practice tests. This means that the typical student will spend 40 to 90 hours on SAT Exam Prep or ACT Prep Tutoring. This doesn't include the time spent when they actually take the test, and most students take SATs and ACTs 2 to 3 times.
Juniors and Seniors in high school already have a lot on their plates. Adding in these SAT Exam Prep hours and ACT Prep Tutoring hours can be overwhelming, and in my 10-plus years of preparing students for the SAT and ACT, I have seen some students crack. This is why I always push students to prep over the summer.
Of course, no one wants to give up their summer. Summer is a time for fun, but, when managed wisely, students can prep for the ACT or SAT at a comfortable pace, leaving plenty of time for fun. Starting early is the key.
Students should expect to spend about 3-months on SAT Exam Prep or ACT Prep Tutoring. Students usually meet with a tutor once a week. Each meeting last one-and-a-half hours. After each meeting students can expect about 2-hours worth of homework. After every three meetings, students take a complete practice test. Most weeks students will spend fewer than 4-hours preparing for the SAT or ACT.
The first SAT is usually given the first week of October. The first ACT is usually given the first week of September. If students get started in July, they should be able to meet weekly with a tutor, and still enjoy much of their summer vacation.
SAT Exam Prep is not exactly summer camp. There are no pools, no trips to the beach, and no arts and crafts. But, SAT Exam Prep during the summer might make your student's school year a lot easier.
Visit us a www.triedandtruetutoring.com for info about our SAT Exam Prep and ACT Prep Tutoring packages.
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