Tuesday, October 22, 2013

SAT Exam Prep Tricks & Treats - A Halloween Story for you Scaredy Cats

'Twas the day of Halloween, and all of the students were in class showing off their costumes, anxiously waiting for the bell to ring and school to begin. 

Jenny, a little blonde-haired girl with blue eyes, was dressed as Cindarella, in a beautiful blue gown and blue head band. Greg, a little brown-haired boy with green eyes, was dressed as a vampire, with long fangs and blood coming out of his mouth. The bell rings, a eerie ring on Halloween, "BOOOO, BOOOOO, BOOOO" and all of the children laugh.

"Where is the SAT Exam Prep teacher?" Jenny inquires.

"If she doesn't show up for 10 minutes, we are allowed to leave" Greg replies. "Those are the rules".

After 5 minutes pass, the students are out of the chairs, getting wild, throwing candy, and playing with their costumes, when suddenly, the SAT Exam Prep Witch comes flying through the door.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" cackles the witch. "Hello all my little ones. Please, have a seat, pull out your vocabulary lists from yesterday, and let's review for the SAT exam."

"Is that you, Mrs. Firestone?" Jenny asks

"Well of course it's me, princess. Fangtastic. Let's get started. Take a look at this sentence, and tell me which of the 17 grammar errors is occurring".

The students look at the sentence written on the board in her red marker. "Ghouls just want to has fun".

Greg raises his hand, "Subject-Verb agreement!" 

"Goooooood, Greg. Here is some candy". Mrs. Firestone tosses Greg some candy corn.

 "How about this one? I not only summoned a ghost, but I banished it" says Mrs. Firestone. "Who sees the error?"

Jenny raises her wand, "An idiomatic error!"

"Wow Jenny, it looks like you ready to do very well on this SAT exam" says Mrs. Firestone as she giggles maniacally.

Jenny looks at Greg and spells out "C-R-E-E-P-Y" on her paper. They both laugh. 

"Ok my little children, time for a coffin break....I mean coffee." 

While Mrs. Firestone is in the other room, all of the lights go out. All of the children stay silent. The front door to the room creeks open slowly, and the "ghost of guessing" rushes into the room.

It's the ghost of guessing! A ghost which forces students to guess on problems when they haven't eliminated at least two answers giving them a statistical disadvantage to guess on the problem!

"NOOOOOOOOO" screams Greg who wants a perfect score.

"Please don't make us guess" screams Jenny, afraid she will lose her college scholarship by scoring less.

"HELP!" scream the college-bound children.

Mrs. Firestone rushes out of the back room, sees the ghost, and starts conjuring a spell to banish it. She says:

Before the SAT, You're Sure to Have a Fright,
But These Cool Ghouls go to School so they aren't Fools on this night
But We don't Guess on the problems that we don't really know,
Just as sure as a Jack-O-Lantern tonight will Glow.
So go away, only friendly ghosts are allowed here,
And Poof ghost, be gone, so all the children can cheer.

The ghost looks at Mrs. Firestone quizzically and says, "Is that all you've got? You think a little poem and SAT tricks are going to defeat me?"

The ghost slowly approaches Mrs. Firestone, and with all of the SAT exam prep training Jenny received, she is thinking on her feet. She grabs he 982 page SAT manual, pulls it way back over her head, and SWINGS it right into the ghost's head, but it all goes in one ear and out the other.

"Haha" laughs the ghost. "You think a one-size-fits-all-ghost-slaying approach is going to defeat me?"

Greg grabs Tried & True Tutoring's customized SAT manual, based on the initial assessment of the ghost, swings it at the ghost, and boom he goes down! A custom program for this specific ghost of guessing. That's the power of customization.

All of the children cheer for Greg and cheer:
YAY Greg, way to think on your feet! 
The SAT exam prep has prepared you to critically think. 
Now let's go ace the SAT Exam with the help of Tried & True Tutoring, 
and tonight we'll celebrate and and gather our treats.

Happy Halloween and good luck on the Oct 26th ACT and November 2nd SAT!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

5 Key Differences Between SAT Exam Prep and ACT Test Prep

There are many differences between the SAT exam and ACT testand today we are going to explore those differences and highlight the similarities. We are also going to decide which test is "better" to take. 

So what's the Difference Between the SAT Exam and the ACT Test?

SAT Exam Prep Book
SAT Exam Prep Book
The SAT Exam Prep Breakdown: The SAT is composed of 3 Sections - Math, Writing, and Critical Reading. The Math section covers content learned in school up until Algebra 2. The writing section is composed of Grammar questions (70% of writing score) and an Essay (30% of writing score). The Critical Reading section is composed of vocabulary questions, short-passage, and long-passage questions.

The SAT penalizes students for marking an incorrect answer. You get 1 point for a correct answer, and -1/4 of a point for an incorrect answer.

The SAT is organized in such a fashion that problems are positioned throughout sections in order of increasing difficulty. This means, you should not "guess" on the questions at the end of sections, as students are notoriously bad at guessing correctly on these questions.

ACT Exam Prep Book
ACT Exam Prep Book
The ACT Exam Prep Breakdown: The ACT is composed of 5 sections: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. The Writing section of the ACT is optional. Some colleges require students to take the Writing Section, some colleges recommend students take it, and some colleges do not look at it at all. Find out what the schools your son or daughter are interested in require before you sign up.

The ACT questions are normally more straight forward than SAT questions, but the timing on the ACT is tougher than that on the SAT.

The ACT does not penalize a student for marking an incorrect answer. This means, if you don't know the answer, it is still best to guess. 

The section on the ACT that does not appear in any fashion on the SAT is the Science section. This section does not cover scientific knowledge (i.e, what is the role if the mitochondrion in an animal cell), but rather, a student's ability to make inferences given a data set either in chart, graph, or other form. 

Should I Take the SAT Exam or ACT Test?

There is no clear-cut answer here. It depends on what school you want to attend (some prefer SAT, some ACT, some want both). It also depends on your initial SAT or ACT Diagnostic exam results. Go take the free ACT or SAT assessment at Tried & True Tutoring, and we will go from there!

How to Take a Free SAT & ACT Diagnostic:

SAT Exam Prep Diagnostic
SAT Customized Curriculum Based on SAT Diagnostic
Take a Free SAT Exam Diagnostic or ACT Test Diagnostic, and Receive a Full Score Report by Credentialed Teachers for Free. You can do that at Tried & True Tutoring by simply registering your e-mail address! Just go to www.triedandtruetutoring.com, scroll over the "Students Tab" and click on "FREE SAT" or "FREE ACT", and fill in your e-mail address and create your password!

I took the ACT and SAT Diagnostic Exams, now what?

You will receive a full, detailed score report and customized analysis from a credentialed teacher in your e-mail. Now you want to compare your ACT to SAT scores. There is an easy way to convert SAT to ACT Scores:

Calculate Your SAT and ACT Conversion:

Calculator Your SAT or ACT Score

Look at your Base SAT and ACT Score. If you have your ACT score (out of 36 with a national average of 20), MULTIPLY it by 66.6666667. This is your SAT equivalent. If you have your SAT Score (out of 2400 with a national average of 1500), DIVIDE it by 66.6666667. This is your ACT equivalent. Compare, and see if you are much better on one exam over the other.

What if I already took the SAT or ACT Exam? Do I have to take another Diagnostic?

It depends on how recently you took the exam, but credentialed SAT and ACT experts at Tried & True Tutoring can look at your exam scores, and write you a full, detailed analysis from the score report you provide to us. Just give us a call, and find out what free services we can provide for you!
How Do I Prep for the SAT Exam and the ACT Test?

After taking the initial diagnostic exam, you will want to develop a game plan or curriculum so you can study the specific areas that will increase your score the most. The SAT Exam Prep books are very large and daunting, so it is important to identify what your weaknesses are, so you do not waste time studying what you already know.

Tried & True Tutoring's credentialed teachers can develop a curriculum for you, if you sign up for one of their SAT or ACT Prep programs

Feel free to e-mail info@triedandtruetutoring.com or call (747) 444-9907 with any academic related questions, or SAT Exam Prep or ACT Test Prep questions.